The Montreal STM to add 270 new metro stations in Montreal

Wow! Incredible breakthrough on the Internet today – the STM (Syndrome de Transportation MTL) has announced plans on Reddit to extend the Metro by 2016 with half a million new stations, some of which will be half a block from each other! So much this! Do you look forward to going to Mascouche?

You can find this very official map below:


19 thoughts on “The Montreal STM to add 270 new metro stations in Montreal

  1. How is that an official map? That map was seem and released over 2 years ago by a montreal citizen as a “would be nice if that happened” for a title. Mtl blog, your “official information isn’t one.


    1. C’mon mtlblog is already not trustworthy and this parody of the site (mmtllblog) is clearly..

      You can’t fall for that kind of stuff


  2. So wait… You want us to believe that 270 new stations will be built in 13 months??? It too them like 10 years to build 2 stations in Laval… Yeah right!!


  3. This is a lie, ive seen this pic and different versions of it for years on the internet. They’ve added like maybe 5 stops in about 40 years and yet they will build all this!?!? not in 200 years will we see this. More mtl blog BS


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